I've been trying to keep myself busy... Yes, I know that doesn't sound like much to some, but they aren't in my head either. I've been knitting this pair of socks for Bri. They are taking a little longer Than I expected. But I do like them. The Noro always has a great feel to it. These are with the Silk Garden Sock yarn. With a cabled pattern from Ravelry.
The other's are soon to be coffee cups. I'm making them for the knit shop here in Summerville. The Village Knittery. I've been having so much fun with them. I know we should be having our monthly knit-a-long soon. I've been trying to come up with some differnt ideas for her on the cups. Let me know what you think of them.
I've been thinking of making a couple of other little things to make some gift baskets with. I'll post it when I get it all figured out.
The lastest episod of our home is having squirles in our attic! Let me know if you have any idea's to remove them. We had a friend come over and check it out today. So I hope it helps.
We also found out this last week that my son will be going to Iraq in May. I pray the Lord has us ready for it. I know with His guidence and strength Tommy and the rest of us will be ok. Please keep all in your prayers.