Out town's festival was this week end. Lets say it was wet and crowded. But we still had a really good time. Our flowers are in full bloom, azalea's, wisteria, dogwoods, and so many more. (If you know the name of the pink tree please let me know it's my favorite).
We had two days of rain the day it started. so everyone was setting up in rain and mud...yuck! Then out came the sun. It was beautiful. Sunny warm breeze a perfect spring day. I even got sunburned. There was some wonderful art.(photography, watercolors,pottery). Alot of new people. I had a good time visiting with them.
We also had our ever faithful pipers, how I love to hear the drummers and pipers. They came marching up thru the pack of people. The kids were loving it.
The rain washed alot of the pollen out so that was a huge help. Then there was the smell, the wisteria was fantastic, then there was cotton candy, BBQ, hot dogs, lemonade, kettelcorn... need I go on? Lets just say you really want to eat alot of all of it.
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