Time....what is it? Where did it come from? Why can it control so much of our lives? These are a few of the questions I have asked myself often.
I'm one of those people who has to be 15 min. early to any where I go, or I don't want to go. I know to some this is crazy, and people like myself drive them absolutely crazy. I'm married to one! Do I need to tell you what it does to us?
I have traveled to many different places in the last 25 yrs. During these trip and moves I have went from busy bustling cities to quiet country settings. Each and every time I will often take my time out to sit or stand to watch the world as it passes by. I will often wonder what is it that makes so many of the run from place to place. Or leisurely walk along. It doesn't matter which setting I'm in there will always be these to types whirling by...furiously fast...to just barley walking.
During these time I love to just be quiet and watch. What an amazing set of things we can learn and see in these times. How I wish more would take the time to do this. We may hear from God to pray for them, to praise some thing you may see in their faces. To cry for them for what we see that is missing. But in it all is that magic word time...
please take the time to sit back and watch someone or thing today. Let God speak to you while your there. Until my next time to sit and share my thoughts, have a great day!
Discription of me? Lets see...mother, grandmother, wife, potter, knitter. I love to spend time doing All of the above. I love to travel and see the world. I always search out the local potter and knitters of each area I go to. Yes, I drive the family crazy with my doing this. I think of the world and it's sites such a Blessing from God. I think of it as if I'm looking thru the lens of a camera trying to pass it along to others.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Summertime Blues
When you think of summertime. You will most likely think of being a child. Vivid pictures will flash thru your mind of the special days. Running, playing, swimming, screaming...but there will always be a time where you had just been laying in the grass or some such wondering when summer would be over.
I as a child had a favorite place to go lay in the grass under a maple. To stare up and watch the clouds thru the branches. Watching the birds and butterflies. Looking for four leaf clovers. There would hardly be any breeze. Everyone was either at camp or off camping with family. You would think am I the only one in the world today. It would be so still and quiet(we lived in the country at this time).
You would sit and watch what wonderful things God had made. Grasshoppers, inch worms, listen to the neighbor's cows moo. Then ask when will I have to go back to school? These are the summertime blues.
Today hear in South Carolina we sit in the A/C keeping cool and watch the world go by out the window. It's Aug. and we haven't had a day under 90 in 45 days. Been under a heat advisory for 35 of them. We sit and ask "when will this be over"? You go out to the car and either burn your hand trying to get ing the car, or burn your bum by sitting on the scorching seat. You forgot to put your flippers back on and touched the pavement with your toe immediately thinking you were walking across a spot of fire! It often seems to hot even for ice cream. It would be melted before it even got into your hands.
As we go to the kids baseball games and picnics we ask our selves are we crazy? It's 100 degrees out here and I have to pretend to be having a good time. I'm ready to pass out! You learn quickly to do any thing needing to be done outside you do before 7:00 am or after 8:00 pm. You go for a moonlit walk at 10:30 and it's still 89 or hotter. How romantic??? You've got sweat running from every pore plus! Your hair is dripping. Your cloths are wet and sticking....this is to be romantic? Come on I'm not 16 any more!
You see these mom's holding their new babies. Trying to hold them with out having to touch them and make them hotter and more fussy. The poor things have on only a diaper, heat rash all over their little fat rolled bodies.
You try to sleep but the sheets are as sticky and wet as you are...you lay there and pray for a breeze, even better a rain storm...then it hits and you remember you have to close the windows or soak the inside of you house. Then it stops and you can watch the steam roll off the roads, and top of the houses. Yes, you thought you were hot before?
Do remember those Summertime Blues.
I as a child had a favorite place to go lay in the grass under a maple. To stare up and watch the clouds thru the branches. Watching the birds and butterflies. Looking for four leaf clovers. There would hardly be any breeze. Everyone was either at camp or off camping with family. You would think am I the only one in the world today. It would be so still and quiet(we lived in the country at this time).
You would sit and watch what wonderful things God had made. Grasshoppers, inch worms, listen to the neighbor's cows moo. Then ask when will I have to go back to school? These are the summertime blues.
Today hear in South Carolina we sit in the A/C keeping cool and watch the world go by out the window. It's Aug. and we haven't had a day under 90 in 45 days. Been under a heat advisory for 35 of them. We sit and ask "when will this be over"? You go out to the car and either burn your hand trying to get ing the car, or burn your bum by sitting on the scorching seat. You forgot to put your flippers back on and touched the pavement with your toe immediately thinking you were walking across a spot of fire! It often seems to hot even for ice cream. It would be melted before it even got into your hands.
As we go to the kids baseball games and picnics we ask our selves are we crazy? It's 100 degrees out here and I have to pretend to be having a good time. I'm ready to pass out! You learn quickly to do any thing needing to be done outside you do before 7:00 am or after 8:00 pm. You go for a moonlit walk at 10:30 and it's still 89 or hotter. How romantic??? You've got sweat running from every pore plus! Your hair is dripping. Your cloths are wet and sticking....this is to be romantic? Come on I'm not 16 any more!
You see these mom's holding their new babies. Trying to hold them with out having to touch them and make them hotter and more fussy. The poor things have on only a diaper, heat rash all over their little fat rolled bodies.
You try to sleep but the sheets are as sticky and wet as you are...you lay there and pray for a breeze, even better a rain storm...then it hits and you remember you have to close the windows or soak the inside of you house. Then it stops and you can watch the steam roll off the roads, and top of the houses. Yes, you thought you were hot before?
Do remember those Summertime Blues.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Summer Time
I know I haven't posted anything in a while. Been having computer problems. All's going well here. Summer has started. To be 95 today, heat index saying 105! Are you ready for summer?
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Have you ever thought have I said the right thing?
I think that quite often...I don't always say the right things. It's often out before I think. I've been trying alot harder to over come this huge problem. Some people will say oh that's ok...
Well I received a email the other day. She was forwarding this along to everyone, not just me. But I love it!!! You know how certain things just hit home and you wish you could shout it from the rooftops. Well that was this one.
"The difference between the right word and the wrong word, is like the difference between lightning and a lightning bug...Mark Twain.
I think I'll leave it as enough said...
Well I received a email the other day. She was forwarding this along to everyone, not just me. But I love it!!! You know how certain things just hit home and you wish you could shout it from the rooftops. Well that was this one.
"The difference between the right word and the wrong word, is like the difference between lightning and a lightning bug...Mark Twain.
I think I'll leave it as enough said...
Monday, February 15, 2010
Would you give up yours?

This is a question I have recently heard. I should say a quote. It gave me alot to think of. One of the many men who helped to make our country. He does have many quotes which leaves you thinking. But, this has been with me for quiet a while now. I do hope it gives you as much.
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.
Benjamin Franklin
I'm unsure about you but I enjoy and want to keep my Liberty! It's something which so many men and women have died for us to have. I pray for us to keep.
I have often thought...would I have the courage to stand up as so many of our founding fathers had? Would I be willing to loose my home, everything I own...but above all my life to say We have Liberty?
My husband was willing to die for it. My son is. (Both being USMC). We often as mother's say leave my children alone, and are willing to fight as a bear to keep them and our homes safe. But are we willing to stand up to those in our country, towns and such to say "leave our Liberty's free!" As the flag says "Don't tread on me", have we forgotten what it was like to have someone tell you when and what you would do?
Please take some time to think of what our country men have gone thru for us. Would you give up yours?
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Snow in Charleston SC!!!! 2/12/2012

We had snow here in Charleston,SC! Yes, a freak southern snow storm. From TX, FL, thru The Carolina's. It started about 6:00pm and went on until early this morning. We recieved about 5 inchs. It was beautiful. we haven't had a snow like this since we had hurrican Hugo. We have had a couple of flakes a few times. Both nothing to really see.
This one was really cool. We had lightning along with it. I had never seen that before. I had heard of it, but never seen it. It was really something to see.
Abby (the dog) lovedit. She ran and barked. Kept looking at Lester like lets play!
Lester made a snowball with it. That if he would have hit someone with it. It would have knocked them out cold.
Well it's evening and most of it has melted away. So until the next time...
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Little Mave Bloomer GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
Little Mave Bloomer GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!I want a pair!!!I have two granddaughters.
Only the Best of Etsy Sample Packages GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
Only the Best of Etsy Sample Packages GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!I'm trying. Hope I did it right. I love Etsy, and this Blog!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Music...I can ask what do you think? A sound, a tune, a place? Or What about what do you see? If I said rock, country, classical, praise, or salsa, I am sure you would think of a song to each. I'm sure you would think of a place you have heard or you have seen while listening to music.
Music means something to everyone. even those which are deaf. I often ask or say don't you feel it? Close your eyes and listen, feel it what do you see.
Tonight I was watching Yanni voices. Fantastic by the way. Wow, you can feel it! You can see it in your minds eye. Have fun get it listen, watch, you will love it even if you listen to other kinds of music this is so good.
The four people he has singing for him on it have voices unlike others. Even when you can't tell what they are singing(different languages) You can still feel what they are singing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
My mirror set...
During the holiday's I found a new Blog site. Painting White Roses. I love it! She also had a mirror her husband had sent from overseas. I saw it and was amazed I had never found one like mine. Silver, where mine is gold. But I love them both. So I wanted to show her mine. This was what I have. I found them in and old antique shop in Charleston, SC. Way in the back covered with stuff. I fell in love with them right then! They have been on my dresser ever sense. I hope you enjoy them as much. Also, if you know anything about them I love to know.
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