Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spring in Rhode Island

Well as you can see...Spring here can be quite differnt from one moment to another. But as beautiful as ever. This is just the other day. We started out in bright sunshine, about 10:00,but with 40mph winds, about 60. The foggy picture you see is at about 4:00 coming back across the Narranganset Bay. We got on the bridge in sunshine not half way up we entered the fog... we had it till about 9:00 the next morning. You can watch it roll in from the ocean. Strange but beautiful at the same time. You can see the lilac's blooming my favorites of all time! I found some ferns budding out over at a pond we visited. I tried to get the budding trees. You would have loved the birds flitting all over the place. Oh to hear them sing.
We went out in the canoe it was a nice ride then it started to get to choppy. I'll post some more pictures later. We're having a really good time.

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