You may hear of this young man. He had made a huge impact on my life as a child. I had learned of him in 4th grade. He was part of what had brought me to crave and love our Colonial Haritage. I hope he make as much of an impact on you.
He was born in 1755 in Coventry,Conneticut. Number 6 of 12 childeren. A Yale graduate at 18 yrs. of age. A teacher with in the next year of his life.He then enrolled in the local militia though not of age. He was a speaker at one of the New London, Conn. Meeting House meetings and was quoted as saying, "Let us march immediatley, and never lay down our arms until we obtain our independence." This was the first recorded time the word inderpendence had been said about our early colonia times in a public meeting.
What courage it was for a young man of 20 to try to break the spell of colonial submission.
He then was commissioned as 1st Lieutenate. After a successful battle in Boston he then marched to Brooklyn, NY, and offered service with the rest of his regement. During this time Washington asked if anyone was willing to go in as a spy to recive information. The then youngest Captian broke the dead silence saying, "I will undertake it." Another leader pulled him to the side speaking to him, that it was not his line of duty, he was to frank and of temper to face these dangers as spy. He replied, "I wish to be useful and ever in kind of service necessary to the public good becomes honorable by being necessary. If the exigencies of my country demanda peculiar service, it's claim to perform that service are imperious."
He wasthen caught and taken prisnor by Gen. William Howe, and then marched out to an apple tree in Rutger's orchard. He asked for a bilble, was refused, and asked if he had any speech or confession to make, he was quoted saying, "I only regret", he said, "that I have but one life to lose for my country."
I'm sure many of you have figured this out. It was Nathan Hale, captian of the Militia army of Conneticut. As I had said he was but 21 yrs of age. Can we or will we leave as much pride for our country as our leadersin the Revolutionary War had?
This is a picutre of him and his homeplace where he grew up.
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