This memory is one that I feel when I think of what Helen Keller once said,"The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart." There is nothing as special as the moment you are being loved...whether by you husband, your child, or your mother. It must be felt.
We've had a long week...my father-in-law had hip replacement done a week ago Mon. Was in and out of critical care a couple of times, then moved to a nursing home for rehab. I pray the Lord heals him quickly. Lester is going back to Ga. today to check on him. Then sometime this week will be going back to Newport, RI. I wish I was going. But I have my Christmas present to go to!!!
We have a bright sunny day out this morning. It's been overcast and rainy for the last 4 days. So the birds are out singing. Praise God what a wonderful day.
I love that picture too! I can't remember if I took it or not, but I have a deja vu feeling when I see it! Maybe it's because I have seen that pose so many times in the past 27 years!
I didn't have the coat when we went to Folly Beach. I think It's Sullivan's Island. It could be New Jersy to. I can't figure out. But I feel the same way about it... I love him so!
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